• February


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Let’s Talk About Your Home

Let’s Talk About Your Home

Good glass fixtures matter. In previous posts, evidence has been presented as to why a competent glass installation has far-reaching benefits, from reasons that concern health and safety, all the way to saving new homeowners a few extra dollars. It matters and those reasons can be calculated in dollars, cents, and percentages.

But there is so much more than happens in a good home than those conceptual statistical representations. After all, a home is where you live, where you make memories, and where some of the most special times in your life happen.

Think back to that first really big snowstorm that you can remember. Chances are, despite a father’s warning, you snuck a glance out the window to see furious winds carrying snow drifts off trees. Or what about that time your big brother went away to college? Waiting for him to pull into the driveway on Thanksgiving break, the family huddled around the window that looks out over the driveway, waiting for his rust colored station wagon to putter toward the house. When the kids are just old enough to play outside on their own, but not so wise that they don’t wrestle too hard, a mom looks out from the kitchen window to make sure all is well between siblings.

Windows become more than just pieces of glass wedged into spaces in walls. They become iconic memories in the adventure that is home owning. Make sure that it’s done well. Make sure it’s done right. Frontier can make that happen.

Call today for a free estimate on your home glass needs

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